Thursday 20 March 2014


They say one must update a blog religiously..
I'm an atheist.

Sorry guys,
I'm a bit busy with my exams. Will start again in April.

Cheerio. C: 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

II. Homecoming

I saw the probe crashing down in the water. The emergency chute was opened well before it was supposed to, cushioning the fall further. An unusual distraction from the nightwatch, I rushed to see what happened with the Captain. The captain, bad tempered as he was, kept muttering under his breath, “Filthy space troops. I bet it’s them. I’m going to rip every single one of these bastards.” We found the probe, broken beyond repair. Its solar shields, used in case the power runs out, striped off during the fall, which burned most of the probe. We opened the probe to find a man and a little girl, probably the man’s daughter, unconscious inside. The man kept mumbling “Run! James RUN!”. The captain calmed down, because they clearly weren't one of the space troops.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

I'm Back!

Back after a long break. (I was at a military camp. It's a school initiative.)
I was kinda going through writer's block, so I had nothing to write.
The military camp gave me some ideas, i'm going to try put them in the story.
To everyone who reads my blog,
A little more patience, I'll be writing again.

Thank You

Sunday 8 December 2013

I. Escape..

The emergency alarms were ringing, the troops running after me. All I had for support, was myself. Everyone was either dead or captured. Those who managed to escape were shot down, deserted for eternity in the vastness of space. I could faintly hear lasers buzzing past my ear, some brushing my hair, some hitting my bleeding hand. The sound of my beating heart filled my ears. All I saw was the probe, my only chance of escape even though I knew that there wasn't any. When I reached there, the sight wasn't a very pleasing one - Bleeding corpses, one shot in the eye, another with her arm blown off. There was a little girl, hiding beneath the control panel. The way she looked at the corpses suggested that they were her parents. I rushed inside, pushed the bodies outside, and closed the probe. The girl screamed, trying to rush towards the bodies, but I pushed the button and the probe flew away from the Mothership.

I could see one of the fighters following us. I used the probe missiles, tried to blow him. The last missile worked, blowing up the fighter. The screams, the blast, were drowned in the vacuum. I looked back at the Mothership, which was once a majestic ship, now a burning fortress. The ship blasted, burning every fighter, every person alive on it. I didn't have the strength to look back, realizing that everyone I loved had died on the ship. The girl was crying, probably crying out to her parents. I set course for Earth, the last haven in existence. 

#2. Storytime!!

I just came up with an idea, which may not be so original, of writing stories. Something that goes with the topic, based in space, like Star Wars, Star Trek and all...


Saturday 16 November 2013

#1. Introduction.. (it sounds so formal)

Hi, my name is Vishrut S. Shukla.. and I'm your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

So, first time. Not exactly stoked, but trying it out.. and honestly, the only reason I made a blog is because I saw Sherlock do it (yes, I fangirl a LOT about Sherlock).
I don't exactly know what to do in a blog, but I will along the way.

Please, do not take the comments I make seriously (if I make any) because I won't use them for someone in particular. Bear with me guys, thank you..